My Deals

The My Deals page does a few things for you:

1. The Deal Locator lets you filter and find any of your deals.

2. The My Deals summary shows deals by state, property type and status, plus a map of your deals.

3. The Add New Deal button lets you easily add a new deal.

To reach My Deals

1. Go to the Portfolio level of the app by clicking the MetLife logo.

2. Click the My Deals tab.

Add a Deal

Click the Add New Deal button.

This opens the Deal Wizard. Simply follow the step-by-step prompts.

Find a Deal

To find a specific deal or a group of deals that share attributes, use our search interface.

Enter your desired filters (deal name, control ID, deal program, property type, deal status, etc.) then click the Search button.

Matching deals are displayed below the search interface.

Below the matching deals you’ll find a summary of those deals.

As well as a map.

To reset your search parameters

Click the Clear button.

To export your deals to Excel

Run a search so you get a list of deals that you want. For example, retail properties in Florida. Click the Export button.